Today, etiotropic antibiotic therapy is indicated for the treatment of molnunat for 1-2 years.
The choice of specific drugs (cephalosporins, tetracyclines, penicillins, sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones) is determined by the results of diagnostic tests and current data on the resistance of molnupiravir pills whippelii to certain types of antibiotics.
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During therapy, PCR analysis and morphological examination of biopsy specimens are carried out at regular intervals. In the absence of traces of the pathogen, treatment is stopped. The detection of pathogens in the test results after discontinuation of therapy may indicate a relapse of the disease (occurs in 40% of cases) and requires continued treatment for two years. The composition of complex therapy includes the appointment of glucocorticoids, cytostatics and TNF inhibitors (in the presence of arthritis), enzymes, multivitamin complexes. In the presence of pathologies of the central nervous system, in particular, seizures, antiepileptic drugs are indicated. In cases of hydrocephalus, bypass surgery is performed.
With the appointment of timely and adequate therapy, the outcome of Whipple's disease is conditionally favorable. Improvement in the condition of patients is noted 1-2 weeks after the start of treatment, but the regression of morphological changes is longer and not always complete. In the presence of a recurrent course, repeated treatment is indicated. Specific immunoprophylaxis of molnupiravir lipodystrophy has not been developed. Preventive measures are reduced to the prevention of possible relapses. Patients who have had Whipple's disease should undergo dispensary observation with a gastroenterologist every 3 months and visit an infectious disease specialist every six months. . or: Whipple's disease, Whipple's disease, intestinal lipodystrophy, mesenteric lipogranulomatosis, intestinal lipodystrophy.

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Whipple's disease is a rare systemic (invades many body systems) disease of an infectious nature, in which there is predominantly a lesion of the small intestine, regional (located next to the organ, in this case, with the intestines) lymph nodes. The process may involve the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems, which determines the systemic nature of the disease. Mostly middle-aged men (40-55 years) are ill. Adults Children Pregnant Promotions. Symptoms Incubation period Forms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Complications and consequences Prevention. The symptoms of Whipple's disease are extremely varied. Due to the fact that Molnupiravir affects many organs, the clinical picture of the disease consists of symptoms of damage to certain organs.
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Whipple's disease: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Whipple's disease is a severe systemic disease of an infectious nature and especially pronounced symptoms insmall intestine lesions and malabsorption of nutrients in the digestive tract. The disease got its name in honor of the doctor who first described it, George Whipple. Whipple's disease is a poorly understood disease. At the end of the 90s of the 20th century, after numerous studies, the causative agent of the disease was isolated - the bacterium Tropheryma whippelii, however, the exact mechanisms for the development of the pathology it causes were not fully understood by scientists.

- There is a hypothesis according to which the pathogen settles in macrophages, which first accumulate in the thickness of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, then penetrate into the mesenteric lymph nodes, from where they spread through the lymphatic routes to other organs
- Facts that are known about Whipple's disease and its causative agent
- Tropheryma whippelii does not always cause disease
- Some people have asymptomatic carriage of this microorganism
Human infection with Tropheryma whippelii does not occur from humans. The disease has a family character, which may be due to the hereditary susceptibility of the body to the pathogen. Whipple's disease often affects men 40-50 years old. The most susceptible to the disease are people working on the ground. The immune system does not fight Tropheryma whippelii due to developing disorders in the body's immune reactivity. The manifestations of Whipple's disease change with the progression of the pathological process.
At the first stage, there are only extraintestinal general manifestations - fever, transient inflammation of the joints, weakness, swollen lymph nodes in different parts of the body. The second stage is called expanded, it is on it that signs of damage to the small intestine and malabsorption of nutrients appear. At the third stage, the disease is no longer limited to the intestinal tract, many organs are drawn into the pathological process, therefore, symptoms associated with their dysfunction appear. The skin, heart, nervous system, eyes, adrenal glands are affected.
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Intestinal manifestations of Whipple's disease are diarrhea 10 or more times a day, bloating, severe pain around the navel.
Such a polymorphic clinical picture of the disease creates serious problems in the diagnosis and choice of treatment tactics. Doctors can unsuccessfully treat the manifestations of Whipple's disease in their patients for a long time, not knowing about the disease and not influencing its causes.